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The Proceedings of the Carnegie Rural Library Conference: Held at the College of Preceptors,... by Trust, Secretary of the, Se... ISBN: 9781332182053 List Price: $9.57
Names of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors, and Others, Who Refus'd to Take the Oaths to His La... by Cosin (Secretary to the Com... ISBN: 9781347705032 List Price: $23.95
Proceedings of the Carnegie Rural Library Conference : Held at the College of Preceptors, Lo... by Trust, Secretary of the ISBN: 9780265271957 List Price: $25.63
Names of the Roman Catholics, Nonjurors, and Others, Who Refus'd to Take the Oaths to His La... by Cosin (Secretary to the Com... ISBN: 9781011111350 List Price: $13.95